«Together We Do More: Join us and let’s change realities»
«Be part of the change. Join the Ávila Cruz Foundation and together we will promote community development, transforming lives and building a future full of hope.»
Banking Institution: BBVA Bancomer SA Company Name: Fundación Ávila Cruz, A. C. Account: 0115365848 Interbank Clabe: 012610001153658485 SWIFT BIC: BCMRMXMM
Your donation makes a difference!
Fundación Ávila Cruz, A.C., is authorized by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) to receive tax-deductible donations in Mexico and abroad, in terms of the Income Tax Law.
To issue your donation receipt, we invite you to send your tax information to the email: fac@fundacionavilacruz.orgThank you for your generosity and support!
Envía tu duda o comentario
Privada de Independencia, S/N, Barrio San Pedro,Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco,Oaxaca, México. C. P. 69800