We signed a collaboration agreement with the authorities of the Municipality of the Heroic City of Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.

junio 8, 2022

The Municipal President, Miguel de Jesús Pérez Vásquez and Fundación Ávila Cruz A. C., with the aim of improving the quality of life of the population of the municipality, signed a collaboration agreement.

The agreement was carried out through the principle of multi-actor alliances of the 2030 agenda, linked to carrying out tasks of social development and poverty reduction.

The mayor, Miguel Pérez, in his message said » Alliances of this type strengthen the strategic plan of care for families in this municipality.

I believe that together with institutions and foundations, care coverage is broader, there are many needs and few resources, however with these synergies it allows us to reach more families with warm and humane care”.

The first actions of this agreement weigh the coordination of strategies, training, advice, technical assistance, design, implementation, evaluation of social projects and institutional strengthening.

With this short-term joint work, we seek to generate a great impact on Tlaxiacan society.


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Privada de Independencia, S/N, Barrio San Pedro, Heroica Ciudad de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, México. C. P. 69800
Tel. Oficina + 52 (953) 5522175